The Basics on Directories

Once you have a website, one of the things you need to do in the world of site promotion is to submit your site to a directory. If this is your first time, you should understand that the directory is a common mistake, not a search engine. The directory lists websites and organizes them by category and subcategory. Each category is categorized into small and small subcategories that list websites in the most accurate way possible. Choose the correct page or section, since the category / subcategory should be applied to the entire site, not just a page or section. Submitting your website URL with misleading or incorrect information may delay or deny your site.

There is a web directory for cataloging Active Directory. If the directory can accurately list all the active Web sites around the world, it becomes a complete directory. But the fact that it is so easy to start and give up on a website means that none of the directories are perfect. The directory removes websites that are no longer active so that people can find the most accurate information.

There are several reasons why people submit their websites to the directory, but the most important thing is that search engines will send spiders through this site and find an active, classified website already compiled by the directory. So, by listing your website with a major directory, the search engines find your website with all the right information and accurate links. Another reason to submit site URLs to the directory is that each directory creates an inbound link to the site. In its most basic form, an inbound link is shown by the search engines as a vote for your website when trying and determining what pagerank you should have. So, your chances of quality directory listing your website is better improving your pagerank within search engine result pages.

The directory is a free or paid directory fee ranging from as little as $ 5 to as high as $ 300. And other top-level directories. However, most paid directory costs are $ 25 to $ 50. The quality of the directory is not determined by the cost of the submission. Actually the best directory is free. You need to evaluate how useful the directory is to you. This is especially useful for niche directories. There are hundreds and thousands of web directories that you can choose from. Sometimes, you can submit one website URL per budget. For most websites, it’s best to submit to a combination of free and paid directories and find a niche directory that fits your interests.

Direct or in-house directory submission can be handled, but organization and planning are required. You can research, compile a directory listing, and then start submitting. Each directory has its own policy on how to submit URL and website information and other category / sub-category structures, so it may take some time to process each category / sub-category structure. Gradually it is best in all cases, so submitting to 25-100 directories per week will proceed as planned. It is important to keep track of the directories you have already submitted so that you do not duplicate your work. First, you will be penalized for submitting your website URL multiple times in most directories due to waste of time.

Small sampling of paid directories outside:

  • Yahoo!

  • Some of the free directories are:
  • dmoz
  • Open Directory
  • This is Your Your Year
  • Whatuseek
  • Projects
  • Internet Public Library
  • info-lists
  • Niche directories are especially useful and important on websites. I want to shift your focus to niche marketing. These directories meet specific areas of interest such as women, mothers, cars, electronics, celebrity gossip, and more. You can use a search engine to search for these directories and find directories that target your industry. Check the list of websites you are interested in to see which websites you have already edited and make sure that you have what you need. Web directories & # 39; A list of niche directories, and Internet search engine database directory directories is just the tip of the iceberg on niche directories. Take a moment to find the best!

    Submitting a website to a directory can be a huge amount of time. Without that kind of time, sometimes the best solution is outsourcing. There are many companies that handle directory submissions. Most of these companies charge between 10 and 15 cents per free directory submission and you can choose from hundreds to thousands of directories in a variety of packages. Using a qualified external company can reduce the time and administrative responsibilities required to manage the directory submission process.

    If you decide to handle the directory submission of your website directly, be aware of the requirements of each directory. Every directory has its own system and there are policy differences on how to submit URLs and information to the site. You must use the correct spelling and grammar to represent your company very publicly. Also, if the directory is traditionally edited, it is possible that the site will be denied due to such careless work.

    However, when you go this way, you have to evaluate options with time and compare points. Looking at the competition, you can see various prices, the quality of various directories submitting your site, and various reporting tools, so you can see what’s been done and what’s not. Also, pay close attention to the spelling and grammar used on this business website. If you can not correctly spell it on your site, you are at risk of rejecting your website because it is misspelled if it is misspelled. The directory makes you look good when links go public.

    Whatever your company profile or summary is, I hope it will be timeless and stay on the web for years. Describe stocks or services in generic terms instead of listing individual products or brands. If you sell sports equipment, list sports types such as tennis, golf and soccer goods rather than Wilson, Nike and Puma as you can change brands over time.

    Whether you are dealing with a directory submission strategy or hiring a process, you must submit it to the directory over time, not all at once. The big search engines cautions how you get inbound links and use it in their own pagerank calculations. Yahoo! Or, Google has seen your website blitzing directory submissions, not organic interest in your site, so you probably have only four hundred or 1,500 inbound links in a week. By submitting your website with a limited number of directories at a time, you can create more links in a slow and reliable way.

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