Nintendo Switch Pro Controller picks up Steam compatibility

In a new blog post for the Steam Controller team, Valve officially announced support for the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller through its Steam Input protocol.

To start playing with the controller, which Valve called "a great device with a feature set that combines very well with its Steam catalog", you must first opt ​​for the beta version of the latest Steam client.

From there, users can enable Pro Pad compatibility by checking & # 39; Nintendo Switch Configuration Support & # 39; in Driver Settings.


The button layouts can also be adjusted in this section, with the welcome option to swap the A / B and X / Y buttons in your controller's settings.

While the Switch Pro controller can be used in Windows PC via Bluetooth for some time, it has to be third-party software for it to work and even then, the user experience provided was far from ideal .

Valve also claimed that the "d-pad" of the Switch Pro Controller is ideal for games and platforms and the gyroscope powers the target in its action / FPS titles. "

I also had great things to say about the excellent gamepad in our review of the Nintendo Switch Pro controller, praising its comfort, battery life and unparalleled d-pad.

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