13 Avengers Stunt Doubles Who’ll Make You Realize Your Whole Life Was A Lie

The photographs of the actors and their doubles not only prove that your whole life is a lie. They pay homage to those who really deserve it, but they do not always notice it. For the viewers or the media. To reveal all the faces behind the famous Avengers, Bored Panda has created this series, which presents both the stars of the show and their faithful companions.

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Surprising physical similarities? Check. Perfectly imitating dummies? Double verification. Bobby Holland, Kelly Richardson and other top doubles on the list do everything they can to make the Avengers look as rude as they are, and that includes risking their lives. Scroll down to find more crew behind one of the best action productions of all time!

Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and his double double Bobby Holland

Image credits: bobbydazzler84

Image credits: bobbydazzler84

Image credits: bobbydazzler84

Image credits: bobbydazzler84

Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) and his double double Anthony Molinari

Image credits: Bobby Bank

Chris Evans (Captain America) and his double double Sam Hargrave

Image credits: Splash News

Tom Holland (Spider-Man) and his double double William Spencer

Image credits: hector vallenilla / news from the Pacific coast

Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier) and his double double James Young

Image credits: jyou10

Anthony Mackie (Falcon) and his double double Aaron Toney

Image credits: Fame Flynet

Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) and her double double Heidi Moneymaker

Image credits: wenn.com

Image credits: wenn.com

Other Marvel characters that are not on the Avengers team but still appear in many movies:

Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and his double double Paul Lacovara [19659037] 0) {description = $ (& # 39; meta [property=’og:description’] & # 39;). Attr (& # 39; content & # 39;);} window.open (& # 39; https: // www.facebook.com/dialog/feed? Display = popup &
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Image credits: imdb.com

Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and his doubles double

Dave Bautista (Drax) and his double double Rob de Groot

Chris Pratt (Star-Lord) and his double double Tony McFarr

Image credits: imdb.com

Image credits: prattprattpratt

Zoe Saldana (Gamora) and her double double

Image credits: jamesgunn

Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson) and his double double Dane Farwell

Image credits: clarkgregg

Karen Gillan (Nebula) and her double double Kelly Richardson

Image credits: Kelly Richardson

The double selfie trick!

Image credits: tmcfarr

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