Beyerdynamic Aventho Review

What are the Beyerdynamic Aventho?

The Aventho Beyerdynamic are among the high-end portable wireless headphones you will find. For £ 399, you get fantastic sound headphones, which offer almost the best sound you hear from a wireless pair in your ear.

Things are not so attractive on the software side, however, with an application that does not work without a firmware update. And a firmware update application that only works on Windows PC.

Related: Best wireless headphones 2018

Beyerdynamic Aventho – Design and comfort

Beyerdynamic manufactures some of the best headphones in the world, but the focus is rarely on doing something that Will attract attention.

The Aventho are bolder than most Beyer headphones, but they look adult and tasteful. The finish is in two shades, black and silver, but this model is not bright, large or contoured to be instantly recognizable from 20 feet away.

There is evidence of industrial style: the thick round fasteners that attach the headband stems, the bold cut-out of the headband adjuster and the cross-textured metallic edge of the cups.

The design here is far from the soft pastel ambience of Scandi common among many portable headphones, but it fits perfectly with Beyer's. Made in the image of Germany. And these headphones are manufactured mainly in Germany * (* some parts are manufactured in China).

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They are remarkably comfortable considering that the pads appear to be quite thin. Even when wearing eyeglasses, the enemy of the headphones in the ear, the Aventho do not cause any major discomfort after a couple of hours of use.

I'm not quite sure how Beyerdynamic accomplishes this; Press down on the pads and they feel super soft. However, it is still just a memory foam with an upper layer of synthetic protein leather.

The headband does not have a regular loop shape; flattens towards the top. A side effect of such a design is that the Aventho do not fold for storage. The glasses rotate around 90 degrees, but they do not close to fit in the pocket of the coat.

A large cloth case is included in the box, which gives an idea of ​​the type of space you will need for the bags. he does not want to walk with headphones hanging from his neck.

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Beyerdynamic Aventho: functions and wireless

The Beyerdynamic Avetho have less technology than some high-priced portable headphones. There is no active cancellation of noise or NFC. However, I have found that its passive insulation is good enough for use on trains and buses.

Its battery lasts more than 30 hours, according to Beyerdynamic. This is excellent, and will do the work for more than a week for most people.

You will receive a voice message when the charge decreases every 20%, and an LED on the right cup will flash to indicate that the charge level is low. Like most recent phones, Beyerdynamic Aventho uses a USB-C cable to charge instead of a micro-USB.

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There is only one small hard button on the headphones, which is used to turn them on and change them off. A touchpad in the right cup handles other commands. Slide up and down to change the volume; left and right to change the tracks. A double tap acts as the play / pause command.

The tactile gestures of Beyerdynamic Aventho work as well as any other, and do not suffer the same delay as some models, but they are still more complicated than the buttons. weather.

There is also a problem with the Aventho software. The headphones have a complementary application that allows you to adapt the sound to your hearing, compensating for high frequency hearing loss related to age. However, to work with a phone with Android 8.0, the Aventho must be updated.

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To do so, you must install an application on a laptop or desktop with Windows. Mac users have no luck, such as those who do not have a laptop or have gone to use, for example, an iPad.

Subsequent lots of Aventho may come with this firmware already applied, but our revision pair did not.

I was not able to operate the advanced "hearing test" part of the complementary application MIY, even after updating the firmware (using an application written in German). This, in theory, reproduces the tones to diagnose any hearing loss, equalizing the headphones to adapt. After several hours of attempts, the application simply did not reproduce any sound, leaving me with only a standard profile based on age.

However, this makes some useful sound adjustments.

The Aventho are also not immune to wireless signals. There were only a few episodes of wireless problems during the tests, but recently I reviewed some much cheaper pairs without wireless interference.

Beyerdynamic Aventho – Sound quality

The Aventho have the audio quality side of their technology nailed. They have Bluetooth with aptX and aptX HD, which is a standard feature of Android 8.0.

This pretty much gets rid of the sacrifice of the perceived sound quality of the Bluetooth transmission.

The Aventho sound of Beyerdyanmic is excellent. It's the best thing I've heard so far from a pair of wireless headphones in the ear. Of course, they are also among the most expensive pairs in this class.

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Almost all aspects of sound are excellent. The media is well integrated, detailed and consistently textured, from low to high-medium. The voices sound very good as a result; they stand out without looking artificially pushed or pushed.

The treble is detailed and clean, but not completely bright. Bass is powerful for headphones in the ear, and the Beyerdynamic Avento subwoofer surprises almost every time it is activated. It is much safer than you would expect with small headphones; obviously it does not focus on the bass.

The sound study is also wide for headphones in the ear, with a separation well above average and spatial details. They belong to a different class than most other portable headphones in the ear.

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As Beyerdynamic Aventho has a relatively neutral character, apart from offering relatively powerful bass in its class, the sound is difficult to nail up to a sentence. They are not bright and they sound very good.

These headphones do not lack sharp clarity, but they do not show a serious high-end bite, if you enjoy the freshness of a brilliant sound.

The Aventho uses one of Beyerdynamic's Tesla controllers, originally seen in its high-end T1 headphones. However, Beyerdynamic's Tesla designs have diversified since the early days. Now it only refers to the Beyer version of a dynamic controller. You will find similar technology in the Be51 T51p wiring pair.

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Why buy Beyerdynamic Aventho?

The Beyonddynamic Aventho sound great, they look great and have the wireless functions necessary to make Bluetooth transmission a problem in terms of sound quality.

However, they are expensive and full-size headphones around this price offer even larger sound scenarios. If your budget does not lengthen, the AKG N60 NC is a good alternative.

It is also a pity that the software side is fragmentary at best, often refusing to work as expected, as you can see by reading the reviews of MIY companion app users.


A great choice in the ear, if you do not mind the high cost and the scaly software.

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